Welcome to the Student Living Portal
New to the Student Living Portal?
If you are using the Student Living Portal for the first time, please click 'Register' (above) to receive a login email ID and password.
Returning to the Student Living Portal or have a preexisting account?
We have moved onto a new and improved accommodation portal platform.
Your old portal login ID and password will no longer work. Please enter your existing portal email address as your login ID and request to create a new password before Monday 14 September. This will ensure you have a smooth application process. If you do not know which email is registered on the portal, please request it by emailing your full name, student number and date of birth to uonstudentliving@newcastle.edu.au to receive your registered email.
PLEASE NOTE: Once you have registered with an email address, do not register a second time. This will create multiple entries in our database and will affect the processing of your application. If the portal does not allow you to register and states that you have already completed the registration process, please email uonstudentliving@newcastle.edu.au to get your login details.